Composed April 6, 1998. This is a classical and grandiose piece commissioned by a website called “The notebook of your heart”.
It is often said that this piece is recognizable as a Koji KUSANAGI composition no matter who hears it. In the best case, it may be that “my pattern” has been established.
It was requested to exude charisma, but if you don’t feel that way, I was not doing enough.
Phrases associated with this music
Charismatic curator, piano, orchestra, choir, harp, glorious solitude, light in the morning dew.
About Audio File
- Loop Unsupported
- Audio Integrated Loudness
- -12.8 LUFS
- Audio Maximum Loudness
- -10.2 LUFS
- Audio Loudness Range
- 5.1 LU
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Total downloads: 9
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