The date has already changed, but yesterday marked the 28th anniversary of nerve(雑音空間). Thank you so much for your continued support over the years.
With each passing year, my daily obligations outside of music have increased, and since last year, I, KUSANAGI Koji, have also been struggling with my health. Despite this, at a very slow pace, I’ve been working on a new song titled On the Day the World Ends. Aiming for a release in March 2025, I’ve now reached a point where I can put together a preview video, what is called a teaser.
Starting this time, in addition to distributing music files on this site, I’m also planning to make them available on various subscription services such as Apple Music, Amazon Music, YouTube Music, and so on; if possible.
There are still many tasks to complete in order to make this happen, including preparations for the approval process on those platforms. Please look forward to the release in March. Thank you.